Customer Reviews

Opinions expressed and individual experiences are not guaranteed outcomes by McAir Aviation.
This aviation school is one of the best. I have earned my private license and almost my instrument rating in the past five months. I wouldn’t want to train anywhere else, I have received great training and great customer service. At McAir they are there to make your experience fun and enjoyable. They are open to what ever works best for you from flying once a week to seven days a week. I highly recommend McAir Aviation.

Caden Caparella
December 2020
Such a great environment with extremely helpful people! I would highly recommend McAir to anyone who wants to learn how to fly.

Jillian Warren
December 2020
McAir has established a professional, well-structured environment fostered a career-oriented pathway from very the first day of training. I completed multiple ratings at McAir – CFII, Multi-Engine and Commercial Pilot. It is absolutely incredible flying on the front doorstep of the Rockies!

Ryan Dzielak
My training at McAir got me through my ratings quickly with expert instruction and support from the staff. Even though my instructors kept getting hired at regional airlines, so I went through three instructors quickly, the level of training was top notch! I got hired at Pinnacle Airlines directly out of my Commercial MEL checkride.

McAir impacted my young career by getting hired at 21 by a regional airline to obtain my CL-65 type rating and finishing my degree. At Pinnacle Airlines, I was in the training department as a ground school instructor. Then I was hired at Southwest as the youngest member of my new hire class at 30, which helped me in finishing my 737 type rating.

The McAir staff was motivated to build relationships but kept the training professional and their students moving along the curriculum. Also, the airplanes were new so we never had any mechanical issues during training. I got to learn on state-of-the-art planes that prepared me for a jump into the jet.

Jonathan Norman

Call Us Today. Fly Tomorrow.

(303) 466-8730

As a former student and employee of McAir Aviation, I am writing with great pleasure to recommend McAir for your flight training. McAir Aviation’s state of the art facility and perfectly maintained fleet of new aircraft promises a successful future for each student enrolled in the program.

Having completed all my flight training, private pilot through multiengine instructor at McAir, I can tell you with confidence there is no place I would have rather trained than with McAir. The staff consistently offered me opportunity. After beginning initial flight training, they hired me to work the front counter in 2002. After earning my CFI in 2004, I advanced to instructing, and then ultimately to position of Check Airman in 2006.

Toward the end of 2006, McAir’s staff was instrumental in my getting hired at Horizon Air. Today, I fly the Bombardier Q400 at Horizon. McAir has always had the student in focus and continues to do so.

These two entrepreneurs have devoted their lives to what we know today as McAir Aviation. Additionally, my two flight instructors assisted significantly in the success of McAir. While the facility and aircraft are the best you will find, I must say it is the people who have put the school in the national flight training spotlight.

Matthew Betts
I had a great experience at McAir. After graduation, I had to move to Texas where it was cheaper to live to continue my fight training. McAir influenced me to keep going and pushing my dream to be a Commercial Pilot and made me even more excited about a career in aviation. The flight instructors were the best and super knowledgeable, and the equipment was great to train on too.

John Boyd
  • I attribute my success in aviation to McAir's undying support both during my employment at McAir and after. McAir has developed a flight school that is unmatched in its combination of safety practice, fleet, instruction quality, and value.

    As a graduate of the Kent State University flight program, my first taste of flight instruction as a student pilot was under the very specific structure of FAA part 141. I understand very well the benefits of this type of instruction, as well as some of the pitfalls that come with a school exclusive to this structure. I cannot express how beneficial it is to gain flight experience at a flight school certified to operate under both Part 61 and Part 141, as McAir is.

    Early on at McAir I had the opportunity to witness first-hand the environment, enabling the melding of the best concepts from the two training schemes ultimately enhancing the quality of instruction and safety at the school. Now that the Part 141 program is an option, there is no other school that offers the level of refined instruction that McAir offers. This benefit is a result of years of fine tuning from a diverse crowd of the most professional instructors that I have ever worked with.

    McAir truly understand the inherent benefit of providing their employees with the tools they need to succeed. It shows in the school's safety record and it certainly reflects in their pass rate. It is very obvious that this tradition of excellence continues on and the product continues to evolve to an ever higher level of quality. The elements of a successful flying experience, for instructors and students, are abundant and at your disposal at McAir Aviation.

    I have seen many variations of pilot training through the progression of my career, including everything from the license factories to the university programs from which I graduated. I find the highest levels of diversity and depth of experience come from the men and women who train in the type of un-canned environment offered at McAir. Regardless of the level of flying you aspire to; from the private pilot to the professional pilot, you will not find a better qualified school to exceed your expectations.

    Steve Brightman
  • For the better part of the last decade of my life, McAir has been an integral part of who I have become, not only professionally, but personally as well. Since I first walked in the doors here several years ago as a customer until this very day, as I sit here writing this as a seasoned pilot and instructor, my life has changed in numerous ways. And every step of the way, McAir has been involved in some capacity. I know as I leave and continue on to the next chapter of my life, I'm not just a better pilot for having been involved with this school, but more importantly, a better person.

    I have seen both sides of the training that goes on at McAir, both as a student who had literally never set foot inside a small airplane before, and as an instructor who has been able to help hundreds achieve the actualization of the unrivaled dream of becoming a pilot. The training is second to none, and anyone who can say that they are in some way affiliated with McAir should be proud to do so I know I am.

    This school helped me achieve everything that I could ever have asked for as a pilot and then some. It enabled me to see parts of the world that I would have never otherwise seen. It enabled me to see every one of the contiguous 48 states in just 6 short (long) days. It enabled me to see flight levels instead of altitudes. It enabled me to fly a $30 million-dollar airplane with 75 people's lives in my hands down to minimums at 120 knots in a snowstorm and land on a 16,000-foot runway. The point is that McAir has enabled me to do a lot of amazing things with my life, and for that I am eternally grateful.

    I will remember fondly all of the time that I have spent here, and all of the people that I have interacted with along the way. The McAir staff, from the front desk guys, to the mechanics, and to the other instructors, has been a pleasure to work with over the years, and all of that can be attributed to the environment and leadership that is provided at the top. Thank you very much for everything that you have done for me. I look forward to having McAir be a part of my life, in whatever capacity, for many years to come.

    Ian Flynn
  • My first experience with McAir Aviation was in January 2005, as a customer. I was interviewing flight schools in the Denver metro area for the purpose of completing my certified flight instructor training. My criteria included evaluating the staff, aircraft, facilities, airport environment and safety policies.

    Without question McAir Aviation came out on top in all the categories. From the minute I walked in the door I was greeted by their professional staff and given a tour of the facility. The staff made a special effort to meet with me and answer all of my questions.

    I discovered later that this was not a unique experience. It is how every new customer is treated at McAir. My flight training program was presented in a very organized and easily understandable way. The methodology McAir uses for flight training guarantees success for the committed student pilot.

    Immediately following my CFI training at McAir I was hired by a local flight school. Fast forward to January 2007, I was hired by McAir as a flight instructor and eventually promoted to the position of check airman. I remained employed by McAir until May 2009 at which time I accepted a first officer position with a local airline.

    As an employee at McAir, I could evaluate their programs and customer service practices from the inside. Every effort is made by the staff to ensure that the Company is delivering on the training expectations of each customer. The Chief Flight Instructor makes sure that his team of CFI's and Check Airmen are providing the finest training and following all FAA guidelines and regulations.

    Finally, McAir's training equipment is the best in the industry. All aircraft are late models, well equipped, and maintained to exceed the manufacturer's standards, which ensures availability to the students. The training environment and processes combine to produce a safe and knowledgeable pilot. In my opinion, there is no finer flight training school than McAir Aviation for a goal-oriented student pilot.

    William L. Elliott
  • Several years ago, I decided to pursue and fulfill my lifelong dream of acquiring a private pilot license. During the selection of a flight academy, I was fortunate enough to discover McAir Aviation and the wonderful people there. I researched, interviewed and compared several options available to me but McAir stood head and shoulders above the competition in many ways.

    After only a few lessons, I was so impressed with McAir Aviation that I decided to enroll my son and he quickly earned his private pilot certificate as well. Also, when it was time for me to pursue an instrument rating, McAir was the obvious and logical choice. They have always accommodated my son and I beyond our expectations and are a first-class operation in every respect.

    I am particularly pleased to have the opportunity to express my highest personal recommendation for McAir Aviation to anyone interested in flight instruction.

    Randy Fuss
  • It's been two years since I flew at McAir in the summer of 2008 and I have to say my thanks is long overdue. At that time, I spent the entire month of August from 8 AM to 8 PM every day working on my instrument and multi-engine ratings at the school and had an excellent experience flying with my instructors. After returning home to Connecticut I built a lot of time toward my commercial multi-engine license at the 135-charter company I work for, earned the license last year and have been working as an SIC and maintenance apprentice (toward an A&P) ever since.

    The bigger the planes get, the more I realize the importance of learning the basics of instrument and multi-engine flying, which I developed at McAir. These days I am lucky enough to fly Barons, a Cheyenne, King Airs (90/200/350), CJ2's and a CJ3 with 500 hours total time! This job also allows a low-time pilot to observe the qualities of a good captain- the best ones we have were also phenomenal instructors while the not-so-good ones were not instructors. At times I consider returning to McAir as an instructor to develop those skills despite the allure of the current fleet I fly.

    Jeff Carney
  • The professional pilot industry requires more of pilot candidates than PTS Standards and FAA requirements. Teaching safe practices, habits, making every flight fun & interesting, and taking a serious disciplined approach to every flight should be the backbone of all primary training.

    That's why I believe McAir Certificated Flight Instructors are the best in the country. The superior level of instruction and drive from the McAir instructor group is evident from their numerous student success stories. Each and every instructor at McAir understands the importance of implementing professionalism, goal-setting, and well-rounded training from the beginning.

    To best optimize the learning atmosphere McAir developed their own Standard Operating Procedures and curriculum. Furthermore, McAir students benefit from a modern fleet of aircraft that are equipped with the same next-generation avionics technology that they'll use in airlines and corporate flight departments later in their careers.

    I am immensely appreciative of all of the hard-working employees at McAir Aviation for helping me reach my own career goals. It was more than just flight training, but an entire experience geared for safety and success. I take the lessons and experiences I learned at McAir with me on every commercial flight I operate today.

    If you're looking for an outstanding and outperforming flight training operation, then please look no further than McAir Aviation.

    Grover L. Draughon III
  • I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the privilege of beginning my flight training here at McAir. From day one, I have been amazed at the professional, friendly, and educational atmosphere at McAir. I called and left a message one evening back in May to inquire about the school, and by 8:30 the next morning I had a very polite and friendly call from the front desk staff inviting me on a tour. I love how every time I walk in the handshakes start going around, and I think that is an amazing atmosphere to cultivate and one that many businesses seem to have forgotten. I give McAir Aviation my highest recommendation for anyone wishing to pursue the pleasure of learning to fly.

    I have always received the highest level of customer service from the dispatch staff, and since the second day of my training they (and everyone else I have been introduced to) have greeted me by name.

    I am sad to be leaving; flying has become my passion which I plan to continue throughout life thanks to all of your encouragement and guidance in getting my confidence back up. I want to thank you all again for running such a smooth and pleasant operation that I counted down the hours until my next flight.

    Chris Stone
  • Last summer I trained at your facility for my Private Pilot Certificate. I must thoroughly compliment you on your business, your staff, you aircraft and your attention to detail. For solely personal reasons I looked into furthering my flight training with other schools in other areas of the country. After a great deal of research and traveling I ended up in Arizona and go on with one of the "National" "Accelerated" programs. Having known then what I know now I would never have left McAir!

    Matty Coe
  • Having previously flown at another flight school at Jeffco and an FBO at Boulder (1V5), I came to McAir with a private license and instrument rating. I have since earned my commercial single-engine license and CFI certificate. The instructors at McAir are employees of McAir and take pride in their jobs. The maintenance, billing, and record-keeping at McAir are excellent. Once or twice I have had billing issues and they are always resolved immediately, in-person at the counter without a wait or fuss. Very professional and safe!

    Matthew Brown
  • I loved my flight instructor and all of the supporting employees. Everyone is so positive, knowledgeable, and there for you when you have questions or concerns. I hope to acquire my CFI and Commercial Pilot in the near future. I suspect I will be back at McAir soon!

    Gunnar Nettleship


~13 Months

In as few as 13 months**, you can train for a career as a Commercially Rated Pilot*
(Private Pilot Airplane, Single-Engine Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Single-Engine, Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Multi-Engine, Certified Flight Instructor Certificate, Certified Flight Instructor Instrument)

363 Days

McAir Conducts Flight Training

*McAir Aviation does not guarantee third-party certifications/ratings or employment.

**Assumes full time flying schedule.

***Additional flight hours and certification required to be eligible to apply for airline pilot positions.

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