Private Pilot License

A Private Pilot Certificate (a.k.a. license) grants you access to fly most single engine planes day or night, pending fair weather conditions. You have the opportunity to learn:

  • Basic Flight Maneuvers
  • Take Offs and Landings
  • Cross Country Flying
  • Pilotage
  • Dead Reckoning
  • VOR and GPS Navigation
  • Basic Instrument Flying

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Under the FAA Part 61, the required time to train for a Private Pilot license is 40 hours which consists of at least:

  • Dual: 20 hours of flight training with an instructor on the Private Pilot areas of operation that includes:
    • 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a single engine airplane;
    • 3 hours of night flight training in a single engine airplane, that includes at least-
    • 1 cross-country flight of over 100 nm. total distance; and
    • 10 takeoffs and 10 landings with each involving a flight in the traffic pattern.
    • 3 hours of flight training by reference to instruments in a single engine airplane; and
    • 3 hours of flight training in a single engine airplane within the preceding 60 days prior to the practical test.
  • Solo: 10 hours of solo flying in a single engine airplane on the Private Pilot areas of operation, that includes:
    • 5 hours of solo cross-country flying;
    • 1 solo cross-country flight of at least 150 nm. total distance with 3 points and one segment of at least 50 nm. between takeoff and landings; and
    • 3 takeoffs and landings at a controlled airport.

NOTE: Where 61.109(a), For an airplane single-engine rating Read more

A Part 141 School, like McAir Aviation, has been granted an Air Agency Certificate by the FAA.

One of the many advantages to flying at McAir Aviation (a certificated Part 141 school), over a Part 61 training provider or individual instructor, is that fewer flight hours are required to qualify for a pilot certificate. The requirement for a private pilot certificate is 40 hours under part 61 training or 35 hours in a part 141 certificated school.

This is also true for your additional ratings and certificates. For instance, if you are training at McAir, you do not need to log the additional 50 hours of cross-country time needed for the Instrument Rating under part 61. This can save you both time and money.
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~13 Months

In as few as 13 months**, you can train for a career as a Commercially Rated Pilot*
(Private Pilot Airplane, Single-Engine Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Single-Engine, Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Multi-Engine, Certified Flight Instructor Certificate, Certified Flight Instructor Instrument)

363 Days

McAir Conducts Flight Training

*McAir Aviation does not guarantee third-party certifications/ratings or employment.

**Assumes full time flying schedule.

***Additional flight hours and certification required to be eligible to apply for airline pilot positions.

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