Flight Training at McAir!

We’re proud to be an approved Cessna Pilot Center (CPC), a flight school specially selected by the Cessna Aircraft Company that represents top-quality, professional flight training.

Cessna’s integrated, interactive training will help you "fly" through your ground training. You can train to be a proficient pilot with online computer and tablet-based curriculum. For flight training, you'll take to the skies to learn the skills and gain the experience necessary to operate an airplane on your own.

Call Us Today. Fly Tomorrow.

(303) 466-8730

Why Train to Become a Pilot?

  • Fun! Learning to fly can be a fun hobby. Once you’ve accomplished your training goals and earned your FAA Certifications and Ratings*, you can share the thrill of flying with your friends and family.
  • Avoid airport security. When you learn to fly general aviation aircraft, you’ll get used to the ease with which you walk out to your airplane and take to the skies! Say goodbye to waiting in security lines!
  • Career path. Training to be a commercial pilot can be extremely exciting.
  • Business travel. Save time by flying to those business meetings that are too far away to drive, and a hassle to get to when you have to wait in security lines when flying commercial.
  • Leisure travel. Whether you take the family on vacation or go on a weekend trip with some friends, being your own pilot can allow you to travel to new places with ease.
  • It’s a challenge! Very few aspiring aviators accomplish the goal of becoming a commercial pilot. McAir is here to support you in your pilot training journey. 

Start with Ground School

Learning to fly isn’t all adrenaline and thrills. Comprehensive instruction on the ground is critical while training to become a pilot, as this is where you’ll develop your knowledge of aircraft operations and safety that you will later apply on the ground and in the air.

At McAir, there is no formal ground school, as many people think. All ground school is self-study at your own pace using our Cessna Computer Based Instruction (CBI) Kit. Developed by The Cessna Aircraft Company and King Schools, our CBI kit walks you interactively through each flight-learning session. The program allows you to interact through multi-media labs to gain the necessary knowledge for each rating. You’ll learn not only to pass your exam, but also how to be a knowledgeable, competent pilot. Study at home, in the office, or even while traveling. You’ll watch presentations by aviation educators, see dramatic, enlightening in-flight footage, take interactive quizzes, learn interesting trivia, and prepare for upcoming lessons before you ever climb into the airplane.

In essence, you’ll see it and do it before ever leaving the ground. This, in turn, allows for the most efficient training each flight. The system allows you to save precious time and money in the air by knowing the material before flying.

Private Pilot (PPL)

Private Pilot Airplane Single-Engine Certificate:
Course topics include flight maneuvers; aircraft control and navigation skills; traffic pattern operations; cross-country flight planning; weather reports and services; the national airspace system; and proper aviation terminology.

Instrument Rating (IR)

Single-Engine Instrument Rating (IR):
 Course topics include instrument flight rules (IFR); cross-country procedures; air traffic control operations; navigation systems; flight instrument emergency procedures; and partial and full-panel configurations.

Commercial Pilot

Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Single-Engine Certificate: 
Course topics include advanced flying; upset recovery training; and airline pilot training.

Multi-Engine (MEL)

Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Multi-Engine (MEL) Certificate: 
This final course provides an add-on certificate to the Private Pilot or Commercial Pilot Single-Engine certificate you will have already earned.


~13 Months

In as few as 13 months**, you can train for a career as a Commercially Rated Pilot*
(Private Pilot Airplane, Single-Engine Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Single-Engine, Commercial Pilot Certificate Airplane Multi-Engine, Certified Flight Instructor Certificate, Certified Flight Instructor Instrument)

363 Days

McAir Conducts Flight Training

*McAir Aviation does not guarantee third-party certifications/ratings or employment.

**Assumes full time flying schedule.

***Additional flight hours and certification required to be eligible to apply for airline pilot positions.

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