Would you like to work towards your bachelor’s degree while training to fly at McAir? We are an authorized training provider with MSU Denver. Learn more at MSU Curriculum Guide for Aeronautical sciences; MSU Denver Restricted-Airline Transport Pilot (R-ATP) Authorization section. McAir does not guarantee college credits and the decision to accept flight hours is up to the receiving institution.
There are colleges that may provide McAir students wishing to complete a college degree the flexibility to continue flight training. The online courses may allow pilots to maintain busy schedules and access the courses at their convenience. Students enrolled in an online degree at one of our partnered schools have many of the same benefits as on campus students such as federal financial aid to those who qualify. McAir is not a party to outside educational options, which are subject to provider terms, conditions, and changes.
For some, it seems perfectly ideal to be in class with face-to-face interaction. Our agreement with MSU Denver may allow students who qualify to have classes on-campus and then schedule their flight training around their class schedule.
*McAir Aviation does not guarantee third-party certifications/ratings or employment.
**Assumes full time flying schedule.
***Additional flight hours and certification required to be eligible to apply for airline pilot positions.